Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I'm Back!

It seems that this blog seems to correspond to when I'm on maternity leave. What really has me back to writing is one of my 2013 goals: cook at least twice a week. It sounds a little weak to only shoot for two times a week but with leftovers that will cover four days and with two kiddos under two I didn't want to create a goal that was ridiculously unattainable. I just finished reading Dinner: A Love Story and liked the author's idea of writing down the meals that you cook each time you cook. I'm a big fan of lists and seeing things in writing gives me a sense of accomplishment. These days just getting a shower and only getting spit up on once is an accomplishment in itself so I need everything I can get.
Tonight was one of those nights when you taste what you've made and it is so good it tastes like someone else made it - someone who really knows what they're doing. The recipe was for Chicken with Mushrooms and Leeks from Cook's Country magazine. I only used half of the goat cheese since Kevin did the shopping and I didn't note how much I needed but I think if I had used a full cup of cheese the sauce would have been too overpowering. I also made Pureed Potatoes from The Bonne Femme Cookbook (I've made four things just this past month from this cookbook and they have been hits). I threw some salad greens on the side to make myself feel more healthy (another 2013 goal: Eat More Healthy!) and topped it with some croutons I made this morning out of old rosemary bread I got at the store. The whole meal was divine. And K watched S while I cooked so the cooking process was fun and baby R slept through until I had finished eating. Amazing.
So the meal I just ate was the catalysis for getting back to writing. It was so good I just had to record it so the next time I make something so-so or downright bad I have this amazing meal to look back on.

Monday, September 5, 2011

How To: Magnetic Serving Tray Board

This feels like cheating a bit since I haven't actually had any time to craft lately.  My craft room is more a dumping ground for papers and clothes that need to be mended or ironed.  This craft is back from my baby bonding days: a glorious time when S napped more, I didn't work and I had more time on my hands.

I finally found a use for one of the metal serving trays that I got in a garage sale a gazillion years ago. It was very "retro Hawaiian" so it didn't really go with the vibe of my house but I got the idea from the blog Casey's Elegant Musings to turn the tray into a magnetic board.  It looks great in my sewing/craft/cat room since the look is a bit more eclectic in there.

It's super easy.  All you need is a tray, super glue and some metal picture mounts. Glue the mounts to the back.  I did one on the short and long side just in case I turned it to hang later.  A few seconds for the glue to cure and you've got yourself a cute metal memo board.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Missing you

I am missing so many people right now.  My good friend H just moved New York City and my sister and her family just ended their two week visit and returned to Pennsylvania.  I have a weird way of coping with missing people.  Denial is one of my favorite ways but I also like to surround myself with things that remind me of them.  It's either food, books, drinks or movies: anything that I know they like and enjoy.

When H was packing up at work she gave away some tins with paper clips and other office supplies.  Tucked into those tins were also sticky notes with names of movies and books that people had recommended to her.  I put a bunch of them on my library cue and I think of her every time I pick up a "H" inspired pick.

I made a special Raley's run to pick up gluten-free crackers, cheese and Chai tea mix - all things that we ate and drank while my sister was here.  I also picked up the book she was reading while she was here- Four Kitchens.  It seems silly when I read about what I do but having those familiar things around me helps me think of those I miss and helps with the pain of missing them.

Now please excuse me while I go eat some Fage yogurt with honey while drinking some PGTips tea.  Miss you and love you tons D.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Wow- a lot has happened since my last post.  Baby S is six months old!  He is rolling over like crazy, has cut his first tooth and is eating some solid foods.  All of a sudden its like I have a real boy!  K has started back to work and I'm starting a new position with my company on the first of the month.  New beginnings all around for the family.

I am loving being a mom.  I love S so much and love everything he does.   It is so neat to see all the things I don't even notice anymore fascinate him.  Some days I feel like he helps me rediscover the world.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Balancing Act

My baby bonding time has ended and I'm back to work now.  The first day leaving baby S was horrible.  I didn't get much sleep the night before because I was crying and I cried almost all the way to work.  It was the ugly cry.  When I finally got home I practically smothered him with kisses .  Now I have another dilemma.  How to spend every second I can with him and not let my husband, housework and personal life go by the wayside?  I've already seen the dust bunnies uniting and forming a union  It's going to be tough.  

One thing that will help is that I have already set aside vacation days for "dates" with my baby.  Whole days of snuggling and playing and napping.  This will help give me something to look forward to.  It is so weird how much I intensely look forward to time off now that I'm at work again.  Each day free is like a light at the end of a tunnel.  A way to hold on to my sanity and hold on to my sweet baby.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Getting my Granny On

One of the things I wanted to make for baby S was a granny square crochet blanket. The small problem with this plan is I had no idea how to make a granny square. Despite many attempts and a patient teacher I was no closer to making a granny square.  I then went to plan B and made a simple knitted baby blanket instead.

Now that the delivery date time crunch is over I decided to try to learn the granny square again.  Many hours, YouTube clips and wonky squares later I found this website and FINALLY got it.

I'm slowly making a bunch of squares using leftover yarn and will eventually make a blanket.  I am trying not to rush and to enjoy the process.

I may be a granny myself by the time I'm done.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Remember to be a better Meal Planner

Alternative title: Never go to the grocery store hungry.

I'm trying to meal plan more.  If I don't plan ahead we have too many mac n cheese nights which is unacceptable now that I'm a parent.  Who am I kidding, mac n cheese rocks.

Anyways I found this cute meal planning template which I laminated and it's cuteness inspires me to fill in the pots and pans with yummy dinner ideas.

Now all I need is the inspiration to actually cook the planned meals.