Sunday, April 17, 2011

Remembering to be in the moment

People always say having a child changes everything.  They usually point out the negative: loss of sleep, loss of independence and all the poopy diapers.  In actuality you can't fathom all the amazing and wonderful changes that come with having a new baby.  For me one of the important changes was a change in focus from always thinking about what to do next to enjoying the now.  Having baby S really shows you how quickly time flies and things change and that you need to savor the moment.  At two months old baby S is starting to be more independent and not as snuggly.  Before I know it he will be too old for tummy kisses and too big to be held.  So my new mantra is "remember to be in the moment."  It seems cheesy and obvious to most but I find myself repeating it a lot each day.  I hope it helps keep me focused on what is truly important.

1 comment:

  1. So true Ashley! People always talk about how fast kids grow up and they are right. I have to remind myself to make the most of every day with my kids and to really enjoy them. I would hate to look back one day and regret moments I may have missed out on because I am preoccupied with less important things.
    Anyway, I'm glad I found your blog and can't wait to read more of what you have to say!!
