Monday, April 25, 2011

I'm in a Love/Hate Relationship

So I'm in a love/hate relationship with my son's baby swing.

On one hand it's the best thing ever because S loves to sit in it and watch his "fish friends" go round and round.  It is sometimes the only way I can get him to go to sleep.  On the other hand the swing makes me feel like a bad parent.  The guilty voice inside my head says I should be able to get him to sleep without the aid of a mechanical swing.  The guilty voice says I use the swing too much and that I'm a bad mom.

Oh swing, what a precarious relationship we have....

1 comment:

  1. I totally feel your pain. However, I don't feel bad that it is the only way to get her to sleep. I feel bad because sometimes I think she would rather be in the swing than be held by her mama!
