My baby bonding time has ended and I'm back to work now. The first day leaving baby S was horrible. I didn't get much sleep the night before because I was crying and I cried almost all the way to work. It was the ugly cry. When I finally got home I practically smothered him with kisses . Now I have another dilemma. How to spend every second I can with him and not let my husband, housework and personal life go by the wayside? I've already seen the dust bunnies uniting and forming a union It's going to be tough.
One thing that will help is that I have already set aside vacation days for "dates" with my baby. Whole days of snuggling and playing and napping. This will help give me something to look forward to. It is so weird how much I intensely look forward to time off now that I'm at work again. Each day free is like a light at the end of a tunnel. A way to hold on to my sanity and hold on to my sweet baby.